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What happend?


You lack energi.  You feel tired.  The work stresses you out. You have gained weight.  Your skin looks gray.  You have recurring head aces.

You have let your self go. 


Now it is time to take your health in your own hands.  You need to actively promote your health.


But how?


Why not start with a week of fasting to cleans your body and to get on a new track.





Fasting is a simple and natural way to detoxinate the body, to regenerate the organisme and to add force and vitality.  It's an ancient aproach to self healing. A splendid way to take our health in our own hands.  Fasting is essential to a healthy lifestyle.

I'm proposing a fasting method called Buchinger.  You will be drinking water, hearbal teas, clear vegetable broth.  You will also get a freshly extracted fruit ou vegetable juice every morning.  All products used are organic.

Why fast?


To bring vitality to the body, to increase our enegie, to lose a few kilos, and to change habits.

But most importantly it is to reduce the toxins in the body, to do a deep level cleaning. Fasting is often a natural solution to problems like migraine, high blood pressure and acne... 

How to fast?


Obviously nothing stops you from doing a fast at home. But it is not always easy if you have to cook meals for the rest of the family or simply see them eating, or if your work environement is stressful.  It is much easier to fast in a group, especially for a first time faster.  The groupleader is there to listen, to give advice and to reassure.  Fasting away from home, in a group is a not just a "vacation" for the intestins, but also a period of mental relaxation.

The benefits


Elimination of toxines

Regeneration of cells

Raised vitality

Amélioration du travail cérébral

Lowered stress

A pause for your digestive system

Enhanced immune system

Adaption of healthier nutritional habits after the fast

A healthier lifestyle

Weight loss


A successful fast
  • Being well prepared

  • Relaxation

  • Daily physical activity

  • Hydration

  • Stimulation of the emonctories


Reprise alimentaire après le jeûne

Nous organisons un repas de reprise convivial avec des légumes bio, locaux de saison.  


Pour une semaine de jeûne il faut faire une semaine de reprise.


La première semaine après le jeûne:

3 premiers jours - légumes (cru ou cuits) et fruits

4ème jour - rajouter des féculents

6ème jours - laitage et oeufs

8ème jours - viandes et poissons


Préfèrer les produit locaux et bio.

Continuer de boire beaucoup d'eau et de tisane.

Eviter le café, l'alcool, et le sucre blanc (gâteaux, bonbons...) le plus longtemps possible.


Preparation  - Reduced nutritional intake


It is importantn to prepare your body for the fast by reducing the nutritional intake.

By following these steps, it will be easy to fast without suffering to many disagreable symptomes.


Drink at least 1,5l water daily.

Favor raw and organicly grown foods.  Reduce the portion sizes.


  • 8 days before - stop the intake of meat, alcool, milkproducts, eggs, and fish.

  • 6 days before - no more coffee, the, chocolate, sugar and vinegar.

  • 4 days before - no more cereals.  Eat fruit and vegetable, raw or cooked as much as you want

  • 2 last meals before the fast -  raw fruit or vegetable soups.

  • The day of your arrival -  25cl fruit juice, 25cl vegetable juice, 1,5l water.


Contre indications


  • Diabète

  • Grossesse

  • Allaitement

  • Traitements médicamenteux lourds

  • Anorexie

  • Boulimie

  • Décollement de la rétine

  • Insuffisance rénale ou hépatique

  • Amaigrissement extrême

  • Ulcère de l'estomac ou du duodénum

  • Maladies auto-immunes

  • Sclérose en plaque


Le jeûne diététique s'adresse à des personnes en bonne santé

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